Tuesday, 29 July 2014

Final Preparations

One week to go.... and final preparations are taking place. The top prirorties for this week are packing our house, shifting our things into storage (Thanks Angie and Rob for the garage space!) and of course, cleaning the house.

Meanwhile, “Normal” hair has been replaced by “Travel” hair in preparartion for life without a hairdryer and we have had our jabs from the travel nurse. One sore arm for me and two sore arms for Phil!

Let the fun begin!




  1. Nice hair! Your trip sounds exciting — are you returning home for good?

    1. Thanks Jacqui! We're returning home just for 6 weeks over Christmas. After that we'll fly back to the UK. We've decided to be based there for the medium-term future, and are excited for what's ahead over the next few years :-) Hope all is well with you.

  2. What a hottie :) can't wait to read about all of your adventures, Elveys!!!!!
